TUW, SBA Research, and CSA Cybersecurity Austria Honored for Efforts in Women Hackers Training
Presentations at the 27th International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses
Lecture by Ruzica PiskacYale University
Organizing and Presenting at SIB 2024
The final of ACSC 2024
Presentations at the 14th International Conference on Security and Cryptography for Networks
Lecture by Federico BadaloniMax Planck Institute for Security and Privacy
Lecture by Nikos VasilakisBrown University
Two Presentations at the 33rd USENIX Security Symposium
Anagha Athavale delivered a talk at the 36th International Conference on Computer Aided Verification
Presentations at the 37th IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium
Prof. Matteo Maffei is a General Co-Chair of EuroS&P 2024
Workshop dedicated to the recent developments in hyperproperties verification over systems in which executions are not aligned
Lecture by Sven BugielCISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security
Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Inform. Dr. rer. nat. Dominique Schröder is a professor at TUW
Prof. Matteo Maffei is participating in an OeNB panel discussion about the digital euro
Lecture by Konrad RieckTU Berlin
Prof. Georg Fuchsbauer gave a talk at the workshop on “Cryptography in the Blockchain Era”.
Prof. Matteo Maffei discusses the catastrophic implications of message scanning with DER STANDARD
Talk by Florian DraschbacherTU Graz
Prof. Matteo Maffei has been awarded an ERC grant.
2nd Training for Europe’s Hacker Championship
Aakanksha Saha presents at IT-S NOW 2024
Prof. Georg Fuchsbauer Presents Groundbreaking Research Findings at Eurocrypt 2024
Sophie Rain won the Best Presentation Award at LPAR-25
Prof. Maria Christakis and Prof. Laura Kovács are among the Amazon Research Awardees.
Prof. Martina Lindorfer gave a talk at the Cluster of Excellence CASA.
A launchpad for fostering innovation, collaboration, and excellence in tackling cybersecurity challenges
Game On: It's Time to Hack (Ethically)!
Lecture by Reiner HähnleTU Darmstadt
The 13th Austria Cyber Security Challenge is about to start
What if the internet goes down for three days? What if nothing works anymore? Joachim Fabini provides expert insight
Training seminar on Web Security Basics
Lecture by Frank LeymannUniversität Stuttgart
Lecture by Michele OrrùSorbonne Université
Presentations at the ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security
Prof. Martina Lindorfer is a speaker of iMentor Workshop 2023
Lecture by Christof Ferreira TorresETH Zurich
Marco Squarcina is coaching the Austrian team for European Cyber Security Challenge 2023
Lecture by Chrysoula StathakopoulouChainlink Labs
Lecture by Marco MelliaPolitecnico di Torino
Documentary featuring cryptography expert Prof. Elena Andreeva
Lukas Aumayr delivered a talk at SBC'23
TUW Team Investigates Security Vulnerabilities in the Interaction Between Cookies and Web Frameworks
Lecture by Kenneth PatersonETH Zurich
Lecture by Christian CachinUniversity of Bern
Newly founded interdisciplinary center
Training for Europe’s Hacker Championship