Collaboration with Women4Cyber

The Cybersecurity Center has joined the Women4Cyber Foundation initiative to promote, encourage, and support the active involvement of women in the field of cybersecurity. As part of our commitment to increasing female participation in cyber challenges and exercises, providing assistance to female students and academics pursuing technical studies, and supporting career planning in academia and business, we have collaborated with Women4Cyber Austria, SBA Research, and Cybersecurity Austria (CSA) to organize a series of seminars.


On December 15, 2023, Marco Squarcina led the inaugural training session titled “Web Security Basics: A Glimpse Behind the Scenes of Websites.” The seminar covered topics such as the cursed web, the anatomy of web infrastructures, threat modeling, server-side security (command injection, SQLi), client-side security (XSS, CSRF, session fixation), and provided valuable resources and takeaways for all participants. Magdalena Solitro, a PhD student at TUW and a member of the SpyCoDe project, complemented the lecture with live demonstrations on SQLi. Together with Sarah Nöbauer and Xenia Indra, who shared their experiences of entering the field of cybersecurity and participating in the European Cybersecurity Challenge as part of Austria’s team, they served as exemplary role models for successful women in IT security.

Read also: “If They Got into Cybersecurity – So Can You!“