Austrian team at European Cyber Security Challenge 2023

Marco Squarcina, a Senior Scientist at TU Wien Informatics’ Security and Privacy Research Unit, is coaching the Austrian team for the European Cyber Security Challenge (ECSC) 2023.


This year’s ECSC is scheduled from October 24 to 27 in Hamar, Norway, with 28 European countries participating and 7 international guests, including Canada, Singapore, and the US. This annual event is hosted by the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA).

With 14 years of experience in cybersecurity competitions, Marco believes they are an excellent way for participants to learn, develop, and network. He previously coordinated the ECSC in Vienna and is currently preparing the Austrian team for the 2023 Challenge. The European competition is the culmination of a rigorous selection process. Team members are chosen from participants in the Austrian Cyber Security Challenge (ACSC), a national competition open to all Austrian residents aged 14 to 25. Consequently, the Austrian team comprises 10 players selected based on their skills, motivation, and dedication. Notably, four team members, Matthias Monschein, Georg Felber, Lea Holter, and Manuel Reinsperger, are currently students at TU Wien Informatics.

Marco is a strong advocate for using CTF-like competitions as an educational tool at TU Wien Informatics. This concept is now integrated into the new cybersecurity bachelor specialization, where students are not only encouraged to participate in ethical hacking competitions but also tasked with organizing their own Capture The Flag events. Moreover, TU Wien plays a pivotal role in coordinating the Austrian Cyber Security Challenge (ACSC) and is dedicated to establishing Vienna as a prominent European hub for students seeking to launch their careers in IT security. The university provides a range of educational programs at all levels of higher education, including bachelor’s, master’s, and PhD, featuring an extensive selection of specialized courses. Lastly, the local CTF team, WE_0WN_Y0U, is a collaborative effort between individuals from TU Wien, SBA Research, and Uni Wien, continuing activities initiated in their lectures.

For the full interview with Marco Squarcina, visit the TUW Informatics website.