Reproducible and Ethical Web Security Measurements

Talk by Ben Stock


Location: TU Wien , FAV Hörsaal 2 (Favoritenstraße 9-11, Erdgeschoß) (HEEG03)
Date/Time: 2024-11-15 09:00 ‒ 10:00

Abstract: The Web is a great place to measure many things: client-side headers, JavaScript functionality, or insecure server-side code. In this talk, I will share insights into Web measurements from two angles: first, can we make Web measurement reproducible by design such that others can confirm or refute our findings? Second, where are the red lines when considering server-side security checks such as looking for SQL injections?

Bio: Ben Stock is a tenured faculty at the CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security in Saarbrücken, Germany. Ben leads the Secure Web Application Group at CISPA, and his research focuses on various aspects of Web and network security, with a recent focus in particular on (un)usability of security mechanisms. His group regularly publishes at all major security conferences and Ben serves on the PC and in chair roles for various security conferences. Beyond the focus on academic output, together with his students, he regularly aims to bridge the gap between scientists and practitioners through talks at non-academic conferences like OWASP AppSec or Ruhrsec.