Why Data Protection Is Important and How It Succeeds
The Vienna Humanities Festival brings together leading innovative thinkers from around the globe to explore and discuss the political, ecological, technological, economic, artistic, and philosophical challenges that can often seem daunting to individuals and communities. Through their insights, attendees will begin to delineate the changing landscapes of our new realities, gaining the necessary tools to navigate these terrains—whether local or global, virtual or tangible, revolutionary or reactionary—with enhanced confidence and a clearer sense of direction.
Martina Lindorfer discussed in an interview how data protection, privacy, and IT security are increasingly critical issues. She highlighted the often overlooked security of private data, where many users, under the mistaken belief that they have nothing to hide, fail to recognize the serious threats they face. Additionally, she pointed out that cyberspace has become a crucial geopolitical arena. Cyber espionage is common among governments and NGOs, though rarely addressed, and the risk of sabotage through cyberattacks on infrastructure is a growing concern.